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This database contains 2 studies, archived under the term: "3-year study"

An inpatient rehabilitation model of care targeting patients with cognitive impairment

Background: The course and outcomes of hip fracture patients are often complicated by the presence of dementia and delirium, referred to as cognitive impairment (CI), which limits access to in-patient rehabilitation. In response to this concern, members of our team developed and piloted an in-patient rehabilitation model of care (Patient-Centred Rehabilitation Model; PCRM) targeting patients […]

Study protocol of a randomised controlled group trial of client and care outcomes in the residential dementia care setting

Purpose: Literature suggests that quality of life (QOL), quality of care (QOC) and Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) can be improved by relatively simple and inexpensive person-centred approaches to nursing care practices (PCC) and modifications to physical environment (PCE). Most research on this topic is observational and few randomised controlled trials have included […]

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