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Your search has found 97 articles in the database for the term 'Capacity to carry out day-to-day tasks'

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The cost-effectiveness of a family meetings intervention to prevent depression and anxiety in family caregivers of patients with dementia: a randomized trial

...per dyad €4,149, 95% CI -13,371 to 21,956, ICER 157,534). The main cost driver was informal care (66% of total costs), followed by patients’ day treatment and costs of hospital...

Impact of serving method on the consumption of nutritional supplement drinks: randomized trial in older adults with cognitive impairment

...drinks three times per day on alternate days over a week by the allocated serving method. The researcher weighed the amount of supplement drink remaining after consumption. Data were collected...

Adverse drug reactions in elderly subjects hospitalized in a specialized dementia management unit

...of ADRs was 24 %. Patients were taking 8 ± 3 drugs per day; 72 (24.6 %) were taking more than three psychotropics. The main therapeutic classes prescribed were anxiolytics...

Reducing verbal agitation in people with dementia: evaluation of an intervention based on the satisfaction of basic needs

...26). An individualized multicomponent intervention addressing needs for comfort, social interaction and sensory stimulation was applied by a therapist during 30 min sessions during the time of day when VA...

Silicon-rich mineral water as a non-invasive test of the ‘aluminum hypothesis’ in Alzheimer’s disease

...1 L of a silicon-rich mineral water each day for 12 weeks facilitated the removal of aluminum via the urine in both patient and control groups without any concomitant affect...

Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease with the GSK-3 inhibitor tideglusib: a pilot study

This pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, escalating dose trial explored the safety and efficacy of tideglusib, an inhibitor of glycogen synthase kinase-3, in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients. Thirty mild-moderate...

Educational and formative training reduce stress in the caregivers of demented patients

...The present study has been organized for appraising if the formation of the caregivers of insane patients can bring benefits to the conditions of stress that bear every day....

Effect of a computerized brain exercise program on cognitive performance in older adults

...program 5 days a week for 20-25 minutes each day, or a wait-list control group (N = 33). All were older adults without dementia (mean age: 81.8 years; SD: 6.1;...

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