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Your search has found 51 articles in the database for the term 'Agitation'

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Effects of small-scale, home-like facilities in dementia care on residents’ behavior, and use of physical restraints and psychotropic drugs: A quasi-experimental study

...were matched at baseline on cognitive and functional status to increase comparability of groups at baseline. Nurses assessed neuropsychiatric and depressive symptoms, agitation, social engagement, and use of physical restraints...

Efficacy of musical interventions in dementia: evidence from a randomized controlled trial

Although musical interventions have recently gained popularity as a non-pharmacological treatment in dementia, there is still insufficient evidence of their effectiveness. To investigate this issue, a single-center randomized...

Results from the multisite implementation of STAR-VA: a multicomponent psychosocial intervention for managing challenging dementia-related behaviors of veterans

...coordinated by Mental Health Providers completing specialized training. Challenging behaviors clustered into 6 behavior types: resistance to care, agitation, violence/aggression, vocalization, wandering, and other. Results indicate that STAR-VA led to...

Using the Montessori approach for a clientele with cognitive impairments: A quasi-experimental study design

Background: The choice of activities responding to the needs of people with moderate to severe dementia is a growing concern for care providers trying to target the need...

Efficacy and tolerability of risperidone, yokukansan, and fluvoxamine for the treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: a blinded, randomized trial

...The descriptive term behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) is used to cover a range of noncognitive disturbances including anxiety, depression, irritability, aggression, agitation, eating disorders, and inappropriate...

Efficacy of music therapy treatment based on cycles of sessions: a randomised controlled trial

...single NPI items shows that delusions, agitation and apathy significantly improved in the experimental, but not in the control group. This study suggests the effectiveness of MT approach with working...

Apple juice improved behavioral but not cognitive symptoms in moderate-to-late stage Alzheimer’s disease in an open-label pilot study approximate 27% (P < .01) improvement in behavioral and psychotic symptoms associated with dementia as quantified by the Neuropsychiatric Inventory, with the largest changes in anxiety, agitation, and delusion....

Differential effects of current specific treatments on behavioral and psychological symptoms in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: a 12-month, randomized, open-label trial

...the galantamine group. Responder analyses showed that treatment with memantine and rivastigmine resulted in more patients improving on NPI and BEHAVE-AD score, respectively. Agitation/aggression was the NPI item with the...

Effects of Yokukansan on behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in regular treatment for Alzheimer’s disease

...patients (non-YKS-treated group). The NPI total score improved significantly more in the YKS-treated group than in the non-YKS-treated group. In the NPI subscales of agitation/aggression and irritability/lability, the YKS-treated group...

How Can we provide better services for demented nursing home residents suffering from apathy?

...Behavioural and psychological symptoms of Dementia include agitation, depression and apathy. Apathy is a common condition and a major challenge especially in nursing home residents. The development of a...

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