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Your search has found 121 articles in the database for the term 'Emotional Support'

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Improved Strain and Psychosocial Outcomes for Caregivers of Individuals with Dementia: Findings from Project ANSWERS

...prior to randomization and follow-up interviews conducted approximately 14.56 weekspost-baseline.; Results: Intervention caregivers, compared to controls, had decreased care-related strain as indicated by lower emotional health strain, dyadic relationship strain,...

The cost-effectiveness of a family meetings intervention to prevent depression and anxiety in family caregivers of patients with dementia: a randomized trial caregivers may prevent or delay patient institutionalization and hence be cost-effective. However, evidence about the cost-effectiveness of such interventions is scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate...

Do nurse-led skill training interventions affect informal caregivers’ out-of-pocket expenditures?

...Purpose Of the Study: This paper is a report of a study of the Assistance, Support, and Self-health Initiated through Skill Training (ASSIST) randomized control trial. The aim of...

Physical activity and cognitive functioning in the oldest old: Within- and between-person cognitive activity and psychosocial mediators

The current study examines the role of social contact intensity, cognitive activity, and depressive symptoms as within- and between-person mediators for the relationships between physical activity and cognitive...

Does a family meetings intervention prevent depression and anxiety in family caregivers of dementia patients? A randomized trial

...Background: Family caregivers of dementia patients are at increased risk of developing depression or anxiety. A multi-component program designed to mobilize support of family networks demonstrated effectiveness in decreasing...

A randomized clinical trial of Behavioral Activation (BA) therapy for improving psychological and physical health in dementia caregivers: results of the Pleasant Events Program (PEP)

...a time-equivalent Information-Support (IS) control condition (N = 51). Assessments were completed pre- and post-intervention and at 1-year follow-up. Biological assessments included CVD risk markers Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and D-dimer. Psychosocial...

The impact of TCARE® on service recommendation, use, and caregiver well-being

...depressive symptoms over time than caregivers in the control group.; Implications: Study findings provide initial support for the merits of the TCARE® protocol as a process that can be used...

Efficacy of musical interventions in dementia: evidence from a randomized controlled trial

...trial was conducted with forty-eight patients with Alzheimer’s disease or mixed dementia to compare the effects of music versus cooking interventions in the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral domain, as well...

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