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Your search has found 49 articles in the database for the term 'Emotional Distress'

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The peaceful mind program: a pilot test of a cognitive-behavioral therapy-based intervention for anxious patients with dementia

...3 months, clinicians rated patients receiving Peaceful Mind as less anxious, and patients rated themselves as having higher quality of life; collaterals reported less distress related to loved ones’ anxiety....

The Peaceful Mind program: A pilot test of a cognitive–behavioral therapy–based intervention for anxious patients with Dementia

...3 months, clinicians rated patients receiving Peaceful Mind as less anxious, and patients rated themselves as having higher quality of life; collaterals reported less distress related to loved ones’ anxiety....

Influence of adherence to a systematic care program for caregivers of dementia patients

...its subsequent use. The SCPD consists of a systematic assessment of caregiver problems and consequent interventions.; Measurements: The dependent variables were caregiver’s sense of competence, caregiver’s depressive symptoms, caregiver’s distress...

Learning to live with a loved one with mild cognitive impairment: effectiveness of a waiting list controlled trial of a group intervention on significant others’ sense of competence and well-being

...a waiting list, thus serving as their own control group. Also, the significant others rated their sense of competence, well-being, distress, acceptance, helplessness, and awareness. Quantitative data analysis did not...

Evaluation of a computer-assisted errorless learning-based memory training program for patients with early Alzheimer’s disease in Hong Kong: a pilot study two errorless learning-based memory groups (ie, computer-assisted and therapist-led). Remarkable changes were shown in cognitive function for subjects receiving CELP and emotional/daily functions in those receiving TELP.; Conclusion: Positive...

Improved Strain and Psychosocial Outcomes for Caregivers of Individuals with Dementia: Findings from Project ANSWERS

...prior to randomization and follow-up interviews conducted approximately 14.56 weekspost-baseline.; Results: Intervention caregivers, compared to controls, had decreased care-related strain as indicated by lower emotional health strain, dyadic relationship strain,...

Clinical effectiveness of a manual based coping strategy programme (START, STrAtegies for RelaTives) in promoting the mental health of carers of family members with dementia: pragmatic randomised controlled trial

...where to get emotional support; understanding behaviours of the family member being cared for, and behavioural management techniques; changing unhelpful thoughts; promoting acceptance; assertive communication; relaxation; planning for the future;...

Making physical activity accessible to older adults with memory loss: a feasibility study address their cognitive needs. Participants' ratings indicate improvement in perceived physical health and emotional well-being as a result of the intervention. Thus, RALLI is a promising intervention to promote...

Outcomes from the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health (REACH) program for bereaved caregivers

...(d = 0.09). Interestingly, the examination of intervention components revealed differential effects, whereby cognitive and behavioral strategies were most effective at reducing levels of complicated grief, information and emotional support...

Effect of increased social support on the well-being of cognitively impaired elderly people examine whether increased social support would have a positive effect on the well-being of these individuals. To this end, interventions in the form of emotional social support through volunteer...

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