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This database contains 1433 studies, archived under the term: ""

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The effects of behavioral activation therapy with inpatient geriatric psychiatry patients

This study examined the effects of Behavioral Activation (BA) treatment on depressive symptoms and quality of life among older adult patients in a geriatric psychiatry facility. There were 50 participants with mild to moderate cognitive impairment, each being 65 years of age or older. A 2 (between)×3 (time of measurement) design was used in this […]

Sustained effects of once-daily memantine treatment on cognition and functional communication skills in patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease: results of a 16-week open-label trial

The present study evaluated the effects of once-daily memantine (20 mg) treatment on cognition and communication in patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In a multicenter, single-arm open-label study, outpatients diagnosed with AD (MMSE < 20; n = 97) were titrated from 5 mg to 20 mg once-daily memantine over 4 weeks. Once-daily […]

An MRI substudy of a donepezil clinical trial in mild cognitive impairment

A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study was conducted as part of an intervention study in subjects with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) to assess donepezil’s treatment effect on brain atrophy. Adults with aMCI were randomly assigned to double-blind treatment with 10 mg/day donepezil hydrochloride or placebo for 48 weeks. Brain MRI scans were acquired at […]

The prevention of hip fracture with menatetrenone and risedronate plus calcium supplementation in elderly patients with Alzheimer disease: a randomized controlled trial

A high incidence of fractures, particularly of the hip, represents an important problem in patients with Alzheimer disease (AD), who are prone to falls and have osteoporosis. We previously found that vitamin K deficiency and low 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) with compensatory hyperparathyroidism cause reduced bone mineral density (BMD) in female patients with AD. This may […]

Palliative assessment and advance care planning in severe dementia: an exploratory randomized controlled trial of a complex intervention

Patients with advanced dementia often receive poor end-of-life care. We aimed to design and pilot a palliative care and advance care plan (ACP) intervention. Patients had undergone emergency hospital admission and had severe dementia. The intervention consisted of a palliative care patient assessment which informed an ACP discussion with the carer, who was offered the […]

Health and nutrition promotion program for patients with dementia (NutriAlz): cluster randomized trial

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of health and nutrition program (NutriAlz) versus usual care on functional level in elderly people with dementia living at home, as well as on clinical practice related to nutrition and on the caregiver’s burden.; Design: Cluster randomized multi-centre study with one-year follow-up.; Setting: 11 Alzheimer outpatients and day care centres […]

Cognitive training changes hippocampal function in mild cognitive impairment: a pilot study

A randomized pilot experiment examined the neural substrates of response to cognitive training in participants with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Participants performed exercises previously demonstrated to improve verbal memory and an active control group performed other computer activities. An auditory-verbal fMRI task was conducted before and after the two-month training program. Verbal memory scores improved […]

A phase II trial of huperzine A in mild to moderate Alzheimer disease

Objective: Huperzine A is a natural cholinesterase inhibitor derived from the Chinese herb Huperzia serrata that may compare favorably in symptomatic efficacy to cholinesterase inhibitors currently in use for Alzheimer disease (AD).; Methods: We assessed the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of huperzine A in mild to moderate AD in a multicenter trial in which 210 […]

Effects of socially stimulating group intervention on lonely, older people’s cognition: a randomized, controlled trial

Objective: Loneliness may predict impaired cognition among older people. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of socially stimulating group intervention on cognition among older individuals suffering from loneliness.; Design: A randomized controlled trial.; Setting and Participants: Two hundred thirty-five participants (≥75 years) in seven day care centers in Finland.; Intervention: Group […]

The implementation of the serial trial intervention for pain and challenging behaviour in advanced dementia patients (STA OP!): a clustered randomized controlled trial

Background: Pain (physical discomfort) and challenging behaviour are highly prevalent in nursing home residents with dementia: at any given time 45-80% of nursing home residents are in pain and up to 80% have challenging behaviour. In the USA Christine Kovach developed the serial trial intervention (STI) and established that this protocol leads to less discomfort […]

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