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Your search has found 95 articles in the database for the term 'Carer%20satisfaction'

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Treatment outcomes of a crisis intervention program for dementia with severe psychiatric complications: the Kansas bridge project

Purpose: Although declines in memory and attention are hallmark symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), noncognitive symptoms are prevalent. Over 80% of individuals will experience neuropsychiatric symptoms, which complicates...

An evaluation of the effectiveness of a case-specific approach to challenging behaviour associated with dementia

...use was reduced. Psychosocial methods predominated, with 77% of cases judged as mainly or entirely psychosocial by an expert panel. There were significant mean improvements in behaviour and carer distress....

The effect of exercise on behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia: The EVIDEM-E randomised controlled clinical trial

...and last between 20–30 min, at least five times per week).Community‐dwelling individuals with ICD‐10 confirmed dementia with the following: clinically significant behavioural and psychological symptoms, a carer willing and able...

Maintenance of health and relief for caregivers of elderly with dementia by using “initial case management”: experiences from the Lighthouse Project on Dementia, Ulm, ULTDEM-study

Background: When facing the well-known demographic development with an increasing number of people suffering from dementia, there is a need of programmes to support nursing relatives and care...

Effectiveness of a psychoeducational skill training DVD program to reduce stress in Chinese American dementia caregivers: results of a preliminary study

Prior research (Gallagher-Thompson, D., Gray, H., Tang, P., Pu, C.-Y., Tse, C., Hsu, S., et al. (2007). Impact of in-home intervention versus telephone support in reducing depression and...

Efficacy of a multicomponent support programme for the caregivers of disabled persons: a randomised controlled study

Aim: The goal of the present work was to measure the efficacy of a multicomponent programme designed to provide tailored support for the caregivers of disabled persons.; Subjects:...

A randomized controlled trial to examine the effectiveness of case management model for community dwelling older persons with mild dementia in Hong Kong

Objective: To evaluate a case management (CM) model for people with mild dementia, whereby resources within the family and in the community were mobilized and optimally used.; Method:...

Learning to live with a loved one with mild cognitive impairment: effectiveness of a waiting list controlled trial of a group intervention on significant others’ sense of competence and well-being

This controlled study examines the efficacy of a comprehensive group program aimed at care partners of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which comprises elements of psychoeducation, cognitive...

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