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Your search has found 157 articles in the database for the term 'Depression and Anxiety'

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The Peaceful Mind program: A pilot test of a cognitive–behavioral therapy–based intervention for anxious patients with Dementia

...Objectives: To assess feasibility and to conduct a preliminary evaluation of outcomes following Peaceful Mind, a cognitive-behavioral therapy-based intervention for anxiety in dementia, relative to usual care. Design: Pilot...

Efficacy of pain treatment on mood syndrome in patients with dementia: A randomized clinical trial

...Background: Depression is common in nursing home (NH) patients with dementia, and often clustered with anxiety and other mood symptoms. An association between pain and depressive symptoms has been...

Combating depression in Huntington’s disease: effective antidepressive treatment with venlafaxine XR

...(17 men), with a diagnosis of major depression, were studied. The symptoms of HD and depression were systematically measured using the Beck Depression Inventory and the Hamilton Rating Scale for...

Specialist mental health consultation for depression in Australian aged care residents with dementia: a cluster randomized trial

...Objective: This cluster randomized controlled trial sought to determine whether multidisciplinary specialist mental health consultation was more effective than care as usual in treating the depression of aged care...

Validity of the geriatric depression scale in nursing home residents: comparison of GDS-15, GDS-8, and GDS-4

...Objective: To assess and compare the validity of the German 15-item version and shortened versions of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) for early detection of depression in nursing home...

The impact of group music therapy on depression and cognition in elderly persons with dementia: a randomized controlled study

...Objective: The aims of this study were to determine the effectiveness of group music therapy for improving depression and delaying the deterioration of cognitive functions in elderly persons with...

Peaceful Mind: an open trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety in persons with dementia

...and seven completed the six-month assessment. Overall, participants and collaterals were satisfied with the intervention and reported that they benefited in terms of anxiety, depression, and collateral distress.; Conclusions: A...

The effect of passive listening versus active observation of music and dance performances on memory recognition and mild to moderate depression in cognitively impaired older adults accompanied by music were studied in relation to memory enhancement and relief of depressive symptoms in 100 elderly board and care residents. The Beck Depression Inventory and the Recognition...

Clinical effectiveness of a manual based coping strategy programme (START, STrAtegies for RelaTives) in promoting the mental health of carers of family members with dementia: pragmatic randomised controlled trial

...Objective: To assess whether a manual based coping strategy compared with treatment as usual reduces depression and anxiety symptoms in carers of family members with dementia.; Design: Randomised, parallel...

Animal-assisted therapy and agitation and depression in nursing home residents with dementia: a matched case-control trial

...Objectives: To investigate the efficacy of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) on symptoms of agitation/aggression and depression in nursing home residents with dementia in a randomized controlled trial. Previous studies have...

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