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This database contains 13 records archived under the term "cardiovascular diseases". Narrow your results, or explore this archive further by selecting from the filters below...
Objective: To quantify the unintended effects of statins according to type, dose, and duration of use.; Design: Prospective open cohort study using routinely collected data.; Setting: 368 general practices in England and Wales supplying data to the QResearch database.; Participants: 2 004 692 patients aged 30-84 years of whom 225 922 (10.7%) were new users […]
Objective: Vascular disorders are important potential causes of cognitive impairment and common mental disorders but their specificity as risk factors has yet to be clarified. The objectives of this analysis were to compare vascular and non-vascular health problems with respect to their associations with cognitive function and common mental disorder.; Method: An analysis was carried […]
Background: cardiovascular risk factors are associated with dementia and cognitive decline. We investigated the effects of renin-angiotensin system blockade on cognitive function in patients aged 55 years and older with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or diabetes with end-organ damage in two clinical trials.; Methods: in the main study, ONTARGET, a double-blind, double-dummy, randomised controlled trial, […]
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