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This database contains 4 studies, archived under the term: "Western Journal Of Nursing Research"

Qualitative analysis of therapeutic light effects on global function in Alzheimer’s disease

The occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is growing, with 68% of cases occurring in women. Declines in global function exacerbated by reversal of day-night patterns, disturbed sleep-wake rhythms, and excessive daytime sleepiness make managing AD difficult. In this study, the authors examined the effect and duration of effect of therapeutic light on sleep, rest-activity, and […]

Outcomes of interventions for Alzheimer’s family caregivers in Mexico

The study examines which of three interventions of cognitive conduct, laughter, or a mixed intervention including both cognitive conduct and laughter components, is more effective for improvement of attitudes toward care and reduction of anxiety among female Mexican caregivers of family members with Alzheimer’s disease. A repeated measures quasi-experimental design with four groups, three experimental […]

A chronic grief intervention for dementia family caregivers in long-term care

Dementia caregivers do not relinquish their role after placing family members in long-term care and they experience increased chronic grief. The Chronic Grief Management Intervention (CGMI) is a12-week group-based program that uses guided discussion to deliver knowledge of Alzheimer’s or a related dementia and teach skills in communication, conflict resolution, and chronic grief management in […]

The effectiveness of a stimulation program on cognitive capacity among individuals older than 60

The purpose of this study was to test the effects of a multistimulant home-based intervention program on cognitive function, anxiety, and depression among older adults with cognitive impairment. This research is quasi-experimental and was designed in an effort to increase the cognitive capacity of individuals above the age of 60 with reduced cognitive capacities. Each […]

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