This database contains 10 studies, archived under the term: "The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry"
Brief psychosocial therapy for the treatment of agitation in Alzheimer disease (the CALM-AD trial)
Ballard, Clive,
Brown, Richard,
Fossey, Jane,
Douglas, Simon,
Bradley, Paul,
Hancock, Judith,
James, Ian A.,
Juszczak, Edmund,
Bentham, Peter,
Burns, Alistair,
Lindesay, James,
Jacoby, Robin,
O'Brien, John,
Bullock, Roger,
Johnson, Tony,
Holmes, Clive,
Howard, Robert
Background: Good practice guidelines state that a psychological intervention should usually precede pharmacotherapy, but there are no data evaluating the feasibility of psychological interventions used in this way. Methods: At the first stage of a randomized blinded placebo-controlled trial, 318 patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) with clinically significant agitated behavior were treated in an open […]
The Peaceful Mind program: A pilot test of a cognitive–behavioral therapy–based intervention for anxious patients with Dementia
Stanley, Melinda A.,
Calleo, Jessica,
Bush, Amber L.,
Wilson, Nancy,
Snow, A. Lynn,
Kraus-Schuman, Cynthia,
Paukert, Amber L.,
Petersen, Nancy J.,
Brenes, Gretchen A.,
Schulz, Paul E.,
Williams, Susan P.,
Kunik, Mark E.
Objectives: To assess feasibility and to conduct a preliminary evaluation of outcomes following Peaceful Mind, a cognitive-behavioral therapy-based intervention for anxiety in dementia, relative to usual care. Design: Pilot randomized controlled trial including assessments at baseline and 3 and 6 months. Setting: Houston, TX. Participants: Thirty-two outpatients diagnosed with mild (47%) or moderate (53%) dementia […]
Effects of problem solving therapy on mental health outcomes in family caregivers of persons with a new diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment or early dementia: A randomized controlled trial
Garand, Linda,
Rinaldo, Donna E.,
Alberth, Mary M.,
Delany, Jill,
Beasock, Stacey L.,
Lopez, Oscar L.,
Reynolds, Charles F.,
Dew, Mary Amanda
Objective: Interventions directed at the mental health of family dementia caregivers may have limited impact when focused on caregivers who have provided care for years and report high burden levels. We sought to evaluate the mental health effects of problem-solving therapy (PST), designed for caregivers of individuals with a recent diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment […]
The Comprehensive Process Model of Engagement
Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska,
Marx, Marcia S.,
Freedman, Laurence S.,
Murad, Havi,
Regier, Natalie G.,
Thein, Khin,
Dakheel-Ali, Maha
Background: Engagement refers to the act of being occupied or involved with an external stimulus. In dementia, engagement is the antithesis of apathy. Objective: The Comprehensive Process Model of Engagement was examined, in which environmental, personal, and stimulus characteristics impact the level of engagement. Methods: Participants were 193 residents of 7 Maryland nursing with a […]
Can persons with dementia be engaged with stimuli?
Objectives: To determine which stimuli are 1) most engaging 2) most often refused by nursing home residents with dementia, and 3) most appropriate for persons who are more difficult to engage with stimuli. Methods: Participants were 193 residents of seven Maryland nursing homes. All participants had a diagnosis of dementia. Stimulus engagement was assessed by […]
Trazodone improves sleep parameters in Alzheimer disease patients: A randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled study
Camargos, Einstein F.,
Louzada, Luciana L.,
Quintas, Juliana L.,
Naves, Janeth O.S.,
Louzada, Fernando M.,
Nóbrega, Otávio T.
Objectives: There are no randomized clinical trials regarding efficacy of trazodone in the treatment of sleep disturbances (SD) in patients with Alzheimer disease (AD). We tested the efficacy and safety of trazodone to treat SD in patients with AD. Design: We conducted a double-blind, randomized and controlled trial during periods of 7–9 days at baseline […]
Successful ingredients in the SMILE study: Resident, staff, and management factors influence the effects of humor therapy in residential aged care
Brodaty, Henry,
Low, Lee-Fay,
Liu, Zhixin,
Fletcher, Jennifer,
Roast, Joel,
Goodenough, Belinda,
Chenoweth, Lynn
Objective: To test the hypothesis that individual and institutional-level factors influence the effects of a humor therapy intervention on aged care residents. Methods: Data were from the humor therapy group of the Sydney Multisite Intervention of LaughterBosses and ElderClowns, or SMILE, study, a single-blind cluster randomized controlled trial of humor therapy conducted over 12 weeks; […]