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This database contains 5 studies, archived under the term: "Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología"

Reducción del malestar psicológico y de la sobrecarga en familiares cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer mediante la aplicación de un programa de entrenamiento en mindfulness (conciencia plena). = Reducing psychological discomfort and overload in Alzheimer’s family caregivers through a mindfulness meditation program

Introduction: This study analyzes the effects that a mindfulness development meditation program has on psychological discomfort and overload in main family caregivers of Alzheimer dementia patients. Material and methods: A quasi-experimental (group comparison) design with pretest/post-test/follow-up measurements was employed in an experimental and a control group. The evaluation instruments used were the SCL-90-R Questionnaire and […]

Efectos del entrenamiento en estrategias de regulación emocional en el bienestar de cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer. = Effects of training in emotional regulation strategies on the well-being of carers of Alzheimer patients

Introduction; The present research shows the results of a psychoeducational Intervention programme centered on the regulation of the emotion among Alzheimer patients’ caregivers. Materials and methods: 52 informal caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients participated. These caregivers were distributed into two groups: the experimental group (n = 20) and the control group (n = 32). All the […]

La participación de personas con demencia en las reuniones del plan de atención individualizada: Impacto en el bienestar y la calidad del cuidado. = The participation of patients with dementia in Individualised Intervention Plan meetings: The impact on their well-being and the quality of life

Introduction: An individualised intervention plan (IIP) offers a new paradigm in the care of the elderly with dementia, with the aim of increasing their quality of life through personalisation, respect for their freedom, and their participation in the decisions that affect their lives. Objective: To evaluate the impact of the residential home patient with dementia […]

Cognitive assessment of elderly patients in the emergency department: a comparison between standard tools, medical records and physicians’ perception

Introduction: We evaluated the accuracy of physician recognition of cognitive impairment in elderly patients in emergency departments (ED). In particular, we evaluated the accuracy of the subjective impression of the physician on patients’ cognition (a comparison of the information obtained from the responsible physician with the S-IQCODE, a cognitive impairment screening test), and the accuracy […]

Efectos del Modelo de Atención Centrado en la Persona en la calidad de vida de personas con deterioro cognitivo de centros gerontológicos. = Effects from the Person Centered-Care Model on quality of life of cognitive impaired persons from gerontological centers

Introduction: The Model of Person Centered Care has attracted increasing interest for use in gerontology centers. Therefore, the contributions about its impact are scarce in our context. The objective of this paper is to establish the impact that the interventions associated with the Model of Person Centered Care in the «Etxean Ondo» Project have on […]

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