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This database contains 3 studies, archived under the term: "Psychology And Aging"

The social treatment: the benefits of group interventions in residential care settings

We report findings from an intervention study that investigates the impact of group reminiscence (GR) and individual reminiscence (IR) activities on older adults living in care settings. This research aimed to provide a theory-driven evaluation of reminiscence based on a social identity framework. This framework predicts better health outcomes for group-based interventions as a result […]

Outcomes from the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health (REACH) program for bereaved caregivers

Although preventive efforts for bereaved individuals have not been shown to be particularly effective in past studies, it has been suggested that intervention effects might be underestimated due to methodological issues such as short follow-up assessments. Thus, the present study aimed to assess the efficacy (as whole intervention packages and as component parts) of the […]

Depression as a risk factor or prodromal feature for dementia? Findings in a population-based sample of Swedish twins

This study tested whether history of depression is associated with an increased likelihood of dementia, and whether a first depressive episode earlier in life is associated with increased dementia risk, or whether only depressive episodes close in time to dementia onset are related to dementia. Depression information came from national hospital discharge registries, medical history, […]

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