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This database contains 4 studies, archived under the term: "Psychiatrische Praxis"

Effects of a training of power and balance on the use of mechanical restraint among in-patients with dementia

Background: Patients with dementia are most frequently affected by mechanical restraint in psychiatric hospitals, most frequently due to falls. There is evidence for beneficial effects of a training of power and balance on the frequency of falls in residential homes.; Methods: An adapted training of power and balance was developed by specialists of training in […]

How Can we provide better services for demented nursing home residents suffering from apathy?

Behavioural and psychological symptoms of Dementia include agitation, depression and apathy. Apathy is a common condition and a major challenge especially in nursing home residents. The development of a brief intervention for nursing home residents combining physical activation and reminiscence therapy in order to reactivating apathic residents and increasing their quality of life will be […]

Efficacy of an occupational group therapy in degenerative dementias: a controlled study in the nursing home setting

Objective: We investigated the effectiveness of an occupational group therapy, tailored to dementia patients, performed regularly 6 days a week, on everyday-practical capabilities and dementia-related behavior.; Methods: Fifty-six dementia patients in one nursing home in Northern Bavaria (Germany) were observed for 6 months: 28 patients in a therapy group and 28 patients in a matched […]

Validity of the geriatric depression scale in nursing home residents: comparison of GDS-15, GDS-8, and GDS-4

Objective: To assess and compare the validity of the German 15-item version and shortened versions of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) for early detection of depression in nursing home residents with mild to moderate cognitive impairment (MMSE ≥ 15).; Methods: Data from 92 patients were analysed. The Structural Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) was used as […]

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