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This database contains 2 studies, archived under the term: "Journal of Gerontological Social Work"

Examination of a psychoeducational intervention and a respite grant in relieving psychosocial stressors associated with being an Alzheimer’s caregiver

Alzheimer’s disease can be particularly devastating to those who are caring for their loved one with the condition. There have been recent calls for the tailoring of caregiving interventions to examine outcome differences between groups of caregivers and the reporting of effectiveness via longitudinal and specific outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine […]

Sharing meals with institutionalized people with dementia: A natural experiment

Nutritional deficiency can have dramatic effects on the physical and psychological status of older adults. Although food supplements can enhance nutritional status, several authors suggest that more ecological means could also have beneficial impacts. Therefore, a natural experiment was conducted to study the impact of changed mealtime experiences for people with Alzheimer-type dementia. Two special […]

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