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This database contains 2 studies, archived under the term: "Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry And Neurology"

Thyroid medication use and subsequent development of dementia of the Alzheimer type

Associations between medication use and the development of Alzheimer disease have been investigated since the late 1900s. Thyroid hormone supplementation is rarely a studied medication class in this area of research. We examined data from participants enrolled in longitudinal studies at the Washington University Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center for associations between thyroid disease, thyroid hormone […]

Validity of the five-word test for the evaluation of verbal episodic memory and dementia in a memory clinic setting

Background: The five-word test (FWT) uses semantic clues to optimize the encoding and retrieval of 5 items. Our objective was to assess the validity of the FWT as a measure of episodic memory when compared with the Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test (FCSRT), and its ability to distinguish participants with any dementia and especially […]

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