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This database contains 2 studies, archived under the term: "Journal Of Aging And Physical Activity"

Adherence to exercise programs and determinants of maintenance in older adults with mild cognitive impairment

After a randomized controlled trial showing that improvement on some aspects of cognitive function was related to adherence to an exercise program, determinants of adherence and maintenance were further studied. Older adults with mild cognitive impairment were contacted 6 mo after the end of exercise programs for a telephone interview addressing patterns of adherence and […]

Feasibility and effectiveness of a walking program for community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive impairment

This study examined the feasibility and effect on aerobic fitness of a 1-yr, twice-weekly, group-based moderate-intensity walking program (MI-WP, n = 77) compared with a low-intensity activity program (LI-AP, n = 75) for community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Thirty participants did not start a program; median attendance in the other 122 participants […]

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