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This database contains 3 studies, archived under the term: "Dementia & Neuropsychologia"

Quality of life and Alzheimer’s disease: The influence of participation in a rehabilitation center

Quality of life is seldom explored in evaluations of therapeutic interventions in Alzheimer’s disease. Objective: To verify whether participation in a cognitive and functional rehabilitation program improves quality of life (QOL) among Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients. Methods: 19 AD patients participated in this study, 12 of whom attended 24 multi-professional intervention sessions—the experimental group—whereas the […]

A prospective study on the use of rivastigmine transdermal patch in Alzheimer’s dementia in a routine clinical setting

There is not much published literature on the use of rivastigmine patch in a “routine” clinical setting. Objectives: In this naturalistic longitudinal observational study we sought to evaluate the safety, tolerability and efficacy of the rivastigmine patch in patients with early and late onset moderate Alzheimer’s disease in a routine clinical setting. Methods: Out of […]

Cognitive output of a neuropsychological stimulation program in an elderly day care center with low educated participants: An observational study

Objective: In the present paper we present an observational study of the implementation of a Neuropsychological Stimulation Program at an Elderly Day Care Center in low-educated participants with very similar backgrounds concerning social economic status. Methods: The implemented program tackled several dimensions, including daily orientation sessions, cognitive stimulation sessions twice a week, followed by movement […]

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