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Implementatie, effecten en kosten van casemanagement voor mensen met dementie en hun mantelzorgers: Beschrijving van de COMPAS studie. = Comparing case management care models for people with dementia and their caregivers: The design of the COMPAS study

Background: Dementia care in The Netherlands is shifting from fragmented, ad hoc care to more coordinated and personalized care. Case management contributes to this shift. The linkage model and a combination of intensive case management and joint agency care models were selected based on their emerging prominence in The Netherlands. It is unclear if these […]

The implementation of integrated emotion-oriented care: did it actually change the attitude, skills and time spent of trained caregivers?

Background: Successful implementation is a vital precondition for investigating the outcome of care innovation. This study concerned the evaluation of the implementation of integrated emotion-oriented care (IEOC) in psychogeriatric nursing home wards. The main question was whether the trained caregivers actually applied the knowledge and techniques of IEOC during their daily work.; Methods: The study […]