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The effects of humor therapy on nursing home residents measured using observational methods: the SMILE cluster randomized trial

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of humor therapy assessed using observational methods on agitation, engagement, positive behaviors, affect, and contentment. DESIGN: Single-blind cluster randomized controlled trial. SETTING: A total of 35 Sydney nursing homes. PARTICIPANTS: All eligible residents within geographically defined areas within each nursing home were invited to participate. INTERVENTION: Professional “ElderClowns” provided 9 […]

The Sydney Multisite Intervention of LaughterBosses and ElderClowns (SMILE) study: cluster randomised trial of humour therapy in nursing homes

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether humour therapy reduces depression (primary outcome), agitation and behavioural disturbances and improves social engagement and quality-of-life in nursing home residents. DESIGN: The Sydney Multisite Intervention of LaughterBosses and ElderClowns study was a single-blind cluster randomised controlled trial of humour therapy. SETTING: 35 Sydney nursing homes. PARTICIPANTS: All eligible residents within geographically […]