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Exploring the effectiveness of an internet-based program for reducing caregiver distress using the iCare Stress Management e-Training Program


Kajiyama, Bruno, Thompson, Larry W., Eto-Iwase, Tamiko, Yamashita, Mio, Di Mario, John, Marian Tzuang, Yuan, Gallagher-Thompson, Dolores


Aging & Mental Health, Volume: 17, No.: 5, Pages.: 544-554

Year of Publication



Objective: Determine if the online iCare Stress Management e-Training Program reduces stress, bother, depression, and poor life quality for dementia family caregivers (CGs).; Method: CGs (N = 150) were randomly assigned to the iCare Condition (ICC) or to the Education/Information-Only Condition (EOC) for a 3-month period. Change in self-report measures of stress (PSS) (primary outcome), caregiver bother(RMBPC), depression (CES-D), and quality of life (PQOL) (secondary outcomes) was determined, along with usage of new information in one’s own caregiving.; Results: A mixed ANOVA revealed that change in perceived stress was significant for the ICC but not the EOC (p = .017). Changes in the other measures were not significant. More caregivers in the ICC used the materials in their own caregiving situation than those in the EOC. Roughly one-third of the caregivers enrolled in the study dropped prior to completion.; Conclusion: Results are promising, but the high dropout is a concern. Future efforts to improve dropout rate and increase participant engagement are warranted. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to present an evidence-based intervention for CGs via the Internet.;

Bibtex Citation

@article{Kajiyama_2013, doi = {10.1080/13607863.2013.775641}, url = {}, year = 2013, month = {jul}, publisher = {Informa {UK} Limited}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, pages = {544--554}, author = {Bruno Kajiyama and Larry W. Thompson and Tamiko Eto-Iwase and Mio Yamashita and John Di Mario and Yuan Marian Tzuang and Dolores Gallagher-Thompson}, title = {Exploring the effectiveness of an Internet-based program for reducing caregiver distress using the {iCare} Stress Management e-Training Program}, journal = {Aging {&} Mental Health} }


aged, alzheimer disease, analysis of variance, caregivers, female, humans, internet, male, middle aged, psychology, quality of life, social support, stress, psychological, therapy

Countries of Study


Types of Study

Randomised Controlled Trial

Type of Outcomes

Carers’ Mental Health, Quality of Life of Carer

Type of Interventions

Intervention for Carers

Carer Focussed Interventions

Information and Advice, Training programmes / workshops including behavioural training