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Assessment of sociocognitive functions in neurological patients Presentation of a French adaptation of two tools and implementation in frontal dementia


Ehrlé, Nathalie, Henry, Audrey, Pesa, Audrey, Bakchine, Serge


Gériatrie Et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie Du Vieillissement, Volume: 9, No.: 1, Pages.: 117-128

Year of Publication



This paper presents a French battery designed to assess emotional and sociocognitive abilities in neurological patients in clinical practice. The first part of this battery includes subtests assessing emotions: a recognition task of primary facial emotions, a discrimination task of facial emotions, a task of expressive intensity judgment, a task of gender identification, a recognition task of musical emotions. The second part intends to assess some sociocognitive abilities, that is mainly theory of mind (attribution tasks of mental states to others: false believe tasks of first and second order, faux-pas task) and social norms (moral/conventional distinction task, social situations task) but also abstract language and humour. We present a general description of the battery with special attention to specific methodological constraints for the assessment of neurological patients. After a brief introduction to moral and conventional judgments (definition and current theoretical basis), the French version of the social norm task from RJR Blair (Blair and Cipolotti, 2000) is developed. The relevance of these tasks in frontal variant of frontotemporal dementia (fvFTD is illustrated by the report of the results of a study conducted in 18 patients by the Cambridge group and by the personal study of a patient with early stage of vfFTD. The relevance of the diagnostic of sociocognitive impairment in neurological patients is discussed.;


aged, diagnosis, emotions, facial expression, frontotemporal dementia, gender identity, humans, judgment, mental status schedule, music, neuropsychological tests, pattern recognition visual, projective techniques, psychology, psychometrics, social conformity, social values, speech perception, statistics & numerical data, theory of mind, translating

Countries of Study


Types of Dementia

Fronto Temporal (also known as Pick’s Disease)

Types of Study

Cohort Study, Instrument development and testing (cross walking of measures, etc.)

Type of Interventions

Diagnostic Target Identification

Diagnostic Targets

Cognition testing (inc. task driven tests such as clock drawing)