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The effect of multisensory stimulation on persons residing in an extended care facility


Ward-Smith, Peggy, Llanque, Sarah M., Curran, Denise


American Journal Of Alzheimer's Disease And Other Dementias, Volume: 24, No.: 6, Pages.: 450-455

Year of Publication



Background: Non-pharmacological interventions, such as multisensory stimulation environments (MSSE), have demonstrated the ability to reduce inappropriate behavior among individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.; Methods: In this study, we compared the incidences of problematic behavior among individuals with Alzheimer’s disease residing in a long-term care facility who were and were not exposed to an MSSE. Retrospective data were obtained using the Psychotic Behavior Assessment Record (PBAR), mandated by Medicare to be used when antipsychotic medications are administered. Psychotic Behavior Assessment Record data were collected using the first and sixth month of admission for residents after appropriate consent was secured.; Results: Documented disruptive behavior included pacing, exit-seeking activities, hitting, yelling, and aggressive talking. The use of the MSSE resulted in a decrease in the number of incidences of disruptive behavior, but not the behaviors present.; Conclusion: The use of MSSE, as a non-pharmacological intervention, demonstrates the ability to decrease the number of incidences of disruptive or problematic behavior. The use of these interventions, where feasible, should be considered prior to the use of pharmacological methods.;

Bibtex Citation

@article{Ward_Smith_2009, doi = {10.1177/1533317509350153}, url = {}, year = 2009, month = {oct}, publisher = {{SAGE} Publications}, volume = {24}, number = {6}, pages = {450--455}, author = {P. Ward-Smith and S. M. Llanque and D. Curran}, title = {The Effect of Multisensory Stimulation on Persons Residing in an Extended Care Facility}, journal = {American Journal of Alzheimer{textquotesingle}s Disease and Other Dementias} }


aged, aged, 80 and over, alzheimer disease, antipsychotic agents, aromatherapy, attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorders, combined modality therapy, drug therapy, environment design, environments, female, humans, interior design and furnishings, male, multisensory, music therapy, psychology, relaxation therapy, skilled nursing facilities, stimulation, therapeutic use, therapy, treatment outcome

Countries of Study


Types of Dementia

Alzheimer’s Disease

Types of Study

Before and After Study

Type of Outcomes



Long Term Residential Care without medically trained staff

Type of Interventions

Non-pharmacological Treatment

Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions
