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Efectos del entrenamiento en estrategias de regulación emocional en el bienestar de cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer. = Effects of training in emotional regulation strategies on the well-being of carers of Alzheimer patients


Arritxabal, Igone Etxeberria, Soler, Álvaro García, Da Silva, Ainhoa Iglesias, Artola, Elena Urdaneta, González, Idoia Lorea, Veiga, Pura Díaz, Yanguas Lezaun, José Javier


Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, Volume: 46, No.: 4, Pages.: 206-212

Year of Publication



Introduction; The present research shows the results of a psychoeducational Intervention programme centered on the regulation of the emotion among Alzheimer patients’ caregivers. Materials and methods: 52 informal caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients participated. These caregivers were distributed into two groups: the experimental group (n = 20) and the control group (n = 32). All the participants were evaluated before and after the intervention programme through the application of different measurement tools measuring variables related to the care giving process; stressors, modulation variables and care giving consequences. Results: In the inter group contrast, the experimental group, when compared with the control condition, obtained higher scores in positive affect, subjective well-being, regulation of emotions, and satisfaction with caregiving. However, the experimental group recorded lower values in perceived stress and negative affect. With reference to the intragroup contrast, the experimental group showed a significant decrease in dysfunctional thoughts and emotional attention. The control group registered higher levels of psychosocial support and lower satisfaction with caregiving. Conclusions; The training programme, that we both developed and conducted, has contributed to a greater feeling of emotional well-being amongst the its participant caregivers, who now take more adequate care of their emotions and suffer fewer dysfunctional thoughts in relation to caregiving. In future studies, the stability of the results presented in this investigation should be established due to the progressive character of the skills learned during the programme, and the changing needs associated with the caregiving process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved). (journal abstract)

Bibtex Citation

@article{Etxeberria_Arritxabal_2011, doi = {10.1016/j.regg.2010.12.009}, url = {}, year = 2011, month = {jul}, publisher = {Elsevier {BV}}, volume = {46}, number = {4}, pages = {206--212}, author = {Igone Etxeberria Arritxabal and {'{A}}lvaro Garc{'{i}}a Soler and Ainhoa Iglesias Da Silva and Elena Urdaneta Artola and Idoia Lorea Gonz{'{a}}lez and Pura D{'{i}}az Veiga and Jos{'{e}} Javier Yanguas Lezaun}, title = {Efectos del entrenamiento en estrategias de regulaci{'{o}}n emocional en el bienestar de cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer}, journal = {Revista Espa{~{n}}ola de Geriatr{'{i}}a y Gerontolog{'{i}}a} }


alzheimer patients, alzheimer’s disease, caregivers, client satisfaction, emotional regulation, intervention, patient satisfaction, psychoeducation, psychoeducational intervention, psychosocial, well being

Countries of Study


Types of Study

Non randomised controlled trial

Type of Outcomes

Carers’ Mental Health, Quality of Life of Carer

Type of Interventions

Intervention for Carers

Carer Focussed Interventions

Training programmes / workshops including behavioural training