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Commentary on “A roadmap for the prevention of dementia II. Leon Thal Symposium 2008.” The Multidomain Alzheimer Preventive Trial (MAPT): a new approach to the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

Background: Because no effective curative approaches are available, preventive approaches in the field of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are needed. We present the design of the ongoing Multidomain Alzheimer Preventive Trial (MAPT) Study. Several previous studies suggested that many factors may be involved in the occurrence of AD at late ages. Because of the probable multifactorial […]

Health and nutrition promotion program for patients with dementia (NutriAlz): cluster randomized trial

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of health and nutrition program (NutriAlz) versus usual care on functional level in elderly people with dementia living at home, as well as on clinical practice related to nutrition and on the caregiver’s burden.; Design: Cluster randomized multi-centre study with one-year follow-up.; Setting: 11 Alzheimer outpatients and day care centres […]

Health and nutritional promotion program for patients with dementia (NutriAlz Study): design and baseline data

Background: There is a lack of data on global weight loss prevention programs for patients with dementia or clear evidence about their impact on a functional level, caregiver burden or the use of healthcare and social resources. NutriAlz is a socio-educative and nutritional intervention program to prevent weight loss and loss of function in dementia […]

EHT0202 in Alzheimer’s disease: a 3-month, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study

Background: EHT0202 (etazolate hydrochloride) is a new compound exhibiting both potential disease-modifying and symptomatic treatment properties in Alzheimer’s Disease increasing alpha-secretase activity and sAPP alpha secretion, as well as acting as a GABA-A receptor modulator and as a PDE-4 inhibitor.; Methods: This pilot, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group, multicentre, Phase IIA study was conducted in […]

Malnutrition in community-dwelling adults with dementia (NutriAlz Trial)

Objectives: The objective of this study is to assess the nutritional status, measured by the MNA, in community-dwelling elderly individuals with dementia and to identify clinical risk factors for nutritional risk or malnutrition.; Design: Cross-sectional analysis of a cluster randomized clinical trial (Nutrialz).; Setting: Community-dwelling individuals attending dementia clinics.; Participants: 940 individuals.; Measurements: The clinical […]

Serum vitamin D deficiency as a predictor of incident non-Alzheimer dementias: a 7-year longitudinal study

Background: Hypovitaminosis D has been cross-sectionally associated with dementia and stroke. The objective of this longitudinal study was to determine whether serum vitamin D deficiency at baseline could predict the onset of non-Alzheimer dementias (NAD) within 7 years among older women.; Methods: Forty high-functioning older women (78.4 years, 76.4/82.0; median, 25th/75th percentile) from the EPIDOS […]