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Your search has found 8 articles in the database for the term 'Emergency Ambulance Calls'

Cognitive assessment of elderly patients in the emergency department: a comparison between standard tools, medical records and physicians’ perception

...Introduction: We evaluated the accuracy of physician recognition of cognitive impairment in elderly patients in emergency departments (ED). In particular, we evaluated the accuracy of the subjective impression of...

The effectiveness of a stimulation program on cognitive capacity among individuals older than 60

The purpose of this study was to test the effects of a multistimulant home-based intervention program on cognitive function, anxiety, and depression among older adults with cognitive impairment....

Peaceful Mind: an open trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety in persons with dementia

Background: Anxiety has a high prevalence among individuals with dementia, and it has a significant negative impact on their functioning; yet intervention studies are lacking. We developed Peaceful...

Effects of the Finnish Alzheimer disease exercise trial (FINALEX): a randomized controlled trial

Importance: Few rigorous clinical trials have investigated the effectiveness of exercise on the physical functioning of patients with Alzheimer disease (AD).; Objectives: To investigate the effects of intense...

Enhancing caregiver health: findings from the resources for enhancing Alzheimer’s caregiver health II intervention and three telephone sessions over 6 months. Control subjects received two brief “check-in” telephone calls during this 6-month period.; Measurements: The primary outcome was change in CG health status...

A biobehavioral home-based intervention and the well-being of patients with dementia and their caregivers: the COPE randomized trial home safety, simplifying tasks, and stress reduction. Control group caregivers received 3 telephone calls and educational materials.; Main Outcome Measures: Functional dependence, quality of life, frequency of agitated behaviors,...

A chronic grief intervention for dementia family caregivers in long-term care

...two check-in calls (n = 49). In this pilot study, we examined the feasibility of implementing the CGMI and evaluated the effects of the intervention on caregivers’ knowledge and skill...

Feasibility, safety and preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of a home-based exercise programme for older people with Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot randomized controlled trial

...five follow-up phone calls.; Main Measures: Balance, mobility, falls and falls risk were measured at baseline and programme completion. Intention-to-treat analysis using a generalized linear model with group allocation as...

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